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Our Vision, Mission and Core Values


To provide world-class academic and technical information to support teaching, learning, research, and scholarly communication in a fast-changing academic environment. 


The mission of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) Library is to develop, organize, provide access to and preserve information materials to meet the needs of present and future students and scholars. 

  • To explore and implement innovative technologies to deliver information and scholarly resources conveniently to users in real-time.
  • To aspire to be a centre for intellectual discourse for unearthing student research and innovative talents. 
  • To provide an avenue for all formats of information resources in support of teaching, learning, research, and scholarship. 
  • To support the academic enterprise of the KsTU community through a team of professional and user-focused staff.  

Core Values

  • Integrity: Commitment to ethical business principles and high operational standards
  • Passion: Intense desire to achieve patron/user satisfaction
  • Service: Serving our patrons with dedication, diligence, and respect
  • Team Work: Achieving our goals together