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The Reference Library is located on the second floor of the Administration Block. This section maintains the reference information for the users in the library. They consist of materials that are meant to aid research by providing quick and accessible information. The reference sources comprises of dictionaries, bibliographies, directories, atlases etc. This section also maintain government publication, reports, statistical information etc. The Section also have a collection of the research output of the university i.e., Masters theses and Undergraduate Project works for consultation. However, photocopy of these theses are strictly prohibited whereas the other references sources can be photocopied at the Reprographic Unit of the Library within the Reference Library.

This section also houses the Electronic Resource Centre of the Library. The Centre enables students to have access to e-resources (e-journals and e-books) from authorized databases which the university has subscribed. The e-resources are shared through the KsTU website via the Library Webpage.

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