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Academic and Research Support Services

The University Library provides academic and research support services for university researchers throughout the research lifecycle. We aim to support both large and small research projects and researchers of all types (students, faculty, and staff).

The Academic and Research Support Department engages with the research community to support and promote innovative learning and high quality research that attracts global visibility. The Section provides the following specific services:

  • Provides orientation and user education for all first year students annually, to equip them with skills to locate and retrieve library resources, and effective use of library resources.
  • Provides training on information literacy skills and the use of e-resources and turnitin.
  • Provides learning space for research purpose (Research Commons)
  • Collaborates and connect students and faculty members on research projects.
  • Research data/outputs management.
  • Assists in identifying scholarly publishing avenues.
  • Offers assistance on open access and intellectual property.
  • Assists in metadata, archiving and digitisation.
  • Provides scholarly information to support research works
  • Promote and support user independence through innovative learning.
  • Provides literature searches for research works.
  • Manages the social media sites of the Library